Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"How to Be a Carioca..." It cracked me up! :)

If you are a “Carioca” (a native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro) and you haven’t read this book you don’t know what you’re missing. Brace yourself for a real good laugh and a brush up on your “Carioca's swing." For some of us living abroad for so long, “How to Be a Carioca” is a refreshing and pleasurable little book to read. If you don’t take everything so serious and have a good sense of humor, this book is hilarious. As I read in past reviews, it has been written that the book stereotypes, exaggerates, and it doesn’t deal with every aspect of the different locations and people of Rio de Janeiro. Nonetheless, if you’re familiar with Rio, you’ll surely recognize some habits and social behaviors right off the bat. If you’re a tourist and you want to blend in with the locals, you’ll definitely find some good pointers. Is it a serious guide to Rio de Janeiro? Probably not… Particularly if you are OCD’ish, anal retentive, and paranoid every waking moment of your life. For that, there are plenty of very "serious" tourist guide books, with loads of historical facts, and tons of statistics out there for all different types of pesonality disorders. You get the picture, huh? So before anybody has a conniption fit in disagreement, take it as a stand up comedy routine, and laugh a little. It cracked me up. "How to Be a Carioca" is “muito maneiro”(very interesting). I loved it!


Remember that laughing lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, increases muscle flexion, improved circulation which enables the body to look healthier and younger, boosts immune function by raising levels of infection-fighting T-cells, and disease-fighting proteins called Gamma-interferon and B-cells (which produce disease-destroying antibodies), triggers the release of endorphins (the body's natural painkillers), and produces a general sense of well-being… Now, how’s that for some serious stuff? If you still doubtful, laughter also plays a big role in mating… I rest my case!


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