Sunday, April 25, 2010

Codfish Croquettes (Bolinho de Bacalhau)

They’re right when they say that "food for thought" is anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking… So here we are! When I’m far away from those I love, I work on bringing them close to me by surrounding myself with positive people and triggers of good memories that I soon can and want to recreate ASAP. So as I promised earlier to my dear sister Patricia, and my coolest brother-in-law Marcelo, I present you with my own “bolinho de bacalhau,” a.k.a codfish balls, codfish croquettes, and why not, codfish cakes… Whatever floats your boat!!! Since at this very moment I can’t join you guys at Cabo Frio, a kiosk at Camboinhas’ Beach, Escondinho Bar, or any good old traditional botequim (snack bar, coffee house), all that I can do is tease you with my very own evening creation... LOL!!! And guess what? It tastes delicious!!! Delicioso! Eat your heart out! LOL!!! Essa vai especialmente para vocês, Patricia e Marcelo. I love you guys! Forever and ever!!! :)



Unknown April 25, 2010 at 11:27 PM  

Adorei esse bolinho de bacalhau...
Amei a foto!!
Deve estar uma delicia.....

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