Sunday, April 25, 2010

He-Man's Banana (a.k.a Banana do He-Man)

Yes, I’m very familiar with the sands of South Beach, Key West, Bahamas, and the list goes on… And don’t get me wrong, I love it, I love it, I love it…

But have you ever been to Cabo Frio? It leaves nothing to be desired… And if you were ever ashamed or had any doubts about sitting on a huge banana, think again… He-Man’s banana (Banana do He-Man) awaits you!!! It’s safe, huge, and strong… So, fear no more! As I already mentioned, my family and I spent a day in Cabo Frio this month, not nearly enough time considering all the things that I wanted to do. But between cramming all the shopping at Gamboa (Bikini Street), beach hopping, enjoying awesome fresh seafood, and getting toasted on caipirinhas, we met a very friendly bunch at Forte Beach (Praia do Forte) managing what it seemed to be a very fun ride, the He-Man’s banana boat. The fun was definitely on, and between water splashing, children laughing, and my aunt screaming in the midst of fear, excitement, and let’s say, capirinhas, we had a blast! Thanks to She-Ra, super nice and personally managing He-Man’s banana :-), we were able to get back on, again, and again… So if you’re ever in Cabo Frio, don’t forget to visit the He-Man’s banana (Banana do He-Man). You might slip here and there, but you won’t regret it.


Photo Courtesy of Taís Binato

Photo Courtesy of Taís Binato

Photo Courtesy of Taís Binato

Photo Courtesy of Taís Binato

Photos Courtesy of Taís Binato

Photos Courtesy of Taís Binato

Photos Courtesy of Taís Binato


Unknown May 18, 2010 at 9:15 PM  

Olá Val! Para nós, é muito gratificante esse post! Estamos aguardando vocês de volta! Sempre estamos com novidades! E agora, estamos no orkut:
Banana do He-man Cabo Frio. Obrigada pelo carinho!

Cold Cape May 19, 2010 at 4:54 AM  

No problem... Gratificante mesmo e curtir essa terra linda que e Cabo Frio. E voces foram SUPER simpaticos... Caso voce tenha FACEBOOK, nao se esqueca de dar um pulinho na pagina intitulada "Cabo Frio." Adivinha quem criou??? LOL! Sou apaixonada por Cabo Frio e nao nego! Ai vai o endereco:!/pages/Cabo-Frio/220867995622?ref=sgm

Coloquei uma foto nossa na banana la tambem :) Creio que sao 399 fas. Caso queira, sinta-se a vontade para promover o banana-boat. Bom, vou nessa... Obrigada pelos momentos memoraveis... Reunir aquela turma toda de uma vez nao foi facil. Tudo de bom para voces.


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