Thursday, June 3, 2010

How to get rid of frogs?

I’m not a happy camper. My backyard is infested with frogs. I don’t want to hurt the darned creatures, but I want them OUT OF HERE. Wait! I just remembered… When I was a little girl, my mother used to spray rock salt and water on them… Voilà! I'll try that! Gotta goooo!



Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend!

Let’s remember the men and women who lost their lives protecting our country and preserving our freedom.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

COFFEE BREAK: Io che amo solo te - Sergio Endrigo

IO CHE AMO SOLO TE - Sergio Endrigo

C'è gente che ha avuto mille cose,
tutto il bene, tutto il male del mondo.
Io ho avuto solo te
e non ti perderò,
non ti lascerò
per cercare nuove avventure.

C'è gente che ama mille cose
e si perde per le strade del mondo.
Io che amo solo te,
io mi fermerò
e ti regalerò
quel che resta
della mia gioventù.

Io ho avuto solo te
e non ti perderò,
non ti lascerò
per cercare nuove illusioni.

C'e' gente che ama mille cose
e si perde per le strade del mondo.
Io che amo solo te,
io mi fermerò
e ti regalerò
quel che resta
della mia gioventù.

Para você mãe... Te amo!


COFFEE BREAK - Legião Urbana - Pais e filhos.

The good really die young...


COFFEE BREAK - The Rolling Stones - Waiting On A Friend.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Got Tan?

If you have black or brown hair, and been to the beach lately working on your tan, you may consider staying away from Arizona!

Racial profiling?

Could it be? Nahhhh… Republicans? Conservatives? Racists? Nahhh…. Imagine that… We are talking about well educated people here, very aware of their own heritage, right? But just in case (better safe than sorry), you might want to forget that dragon tattoo you’ve been saving money for, and consider branding your caboose with your Alien number. (Don't you love that word? “Alien.” I just thought of a great Halloween costume. Anyway...)

How easily we forget...

President Obama mentioned the words, “Misguided Law.” Darn right it is. Sure we should stop illegal immigration. (By the way, forget about Bimbo Land and say goodbye to Consuelo raising your own children for $3.00 an hour while you spend all day putting up the façade and helping your psychiatrist hack up the bonus to fly to the Cayman Islands for vacation.) But every case is a DIFFERENT case, and this law will be a great fertilized shitty spread for racism, and some Narcissistic, & Anti-social Personality Disorders to thrive; or should I say bigotry, fear, and ignorance? So you assimilated, became acculturated, went through all the hoops and lovely welcoming smiles to become legal, yet, the truth is that some of your comrades just tolerate you. Pity!

I just hope the power trip doesn’t get over the top and they end up scarring some good folks for life.

Geeezzz… Enough of this “papo sinistro.” Friday is half way here, and while this wave doesn’t reach my shore, my @$$ is going to the beach. Just in case, I got the tattoo join lined up to brand everybody’s birth certificates on their backs. Yeah, right... Fala sério!


* Blue contact Lenses - $25.00
* Hair dye to bleach your hair - $7.99 on sale
* Private English classes so you can learn to sing the good ol' boy anthem, “Sweet Home Alabama.” - $75.00
* Getting your @$$ kicked by the police because your roots are showing – PRICELESS.


Where did the years go?

Hello world,

Yesterday I attended my daughter’s 8th grade graduation. What a feeling! It’s so amazing to see these young children grown and develop into vigorous and aspiring young adults. I remember when my daughter and her friends used to run around the house happy as a lark, watching “Dexter’s Laboratory”, or “CatDog,” eating their hot dogs, trading their Yugioh Cards, and playing Super-Mario without a care in the world.

Today they are skyping with their friends, texting 24/7, hooked on XBox 360, worried about what clothes to wear, thinking they are in love (I just remembered the horse track TV commercial, “run baby, run!”), aware of the importance of GPA & SAT scores to get into a good college, aspiring MIT, Duke, and Harvard, taking honors and AP classes, feeling the pressure, and planning on getting their driver’s license permit. Wow!

As I saw them all dressed up in their suits, elaborate dresses, & high heels, receiving their awards, and making deep speeches concerning the future, I was incredibly proud and could feel a whole sense of accomplishment fill up the auditorium. What a memorable night it was! I was also thinking I needed to pay a visit to a dermatologist, find myself some serious hair stylist, and double check if Pitanguy still around. Where did the years go?



Tuesday, May 25, 2010

COFFEE BREAK - George Thorogood - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer.


Road Rage: Hackers Say 'No Latinos' on Highway Sign.

No comments. You can read it for yourself!


May 25th - It’s been 150 days without you!

It’s been five months without you mom... No more phone calls, no more pouring out my frustrations or celebrating good moments, getting advice, cracking up jokes, laughing, telling stories, and no more anticipating the moment of arrival to give you that big hug... I wonder if things would’ve been different if I never left, or if they had allowed you to come and see me. It’s all too late now, isn't it?… Forgive me for not being there, mom. I've been lost without you. There's no one to really talk to anymore, and I miss you deeply!
Eu amo você, mãe!
Tá difícil...

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