Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Got Tan?

If you have black or brown hair, and been to the beach lately working on your tan, you may consider staying away from Arizona!

Racial profiling?

Could it be? Nahhhh… Republicans? Conservatives? Racists? Nahhh…. Imagine that… We are talking about well educated people here, very aware of their own heritage, right? But just in case (better safe than sorry), you might want to forget that dragon tattoo you’ve been saving money for, and consider branding your caboose with your Alien number. (Don't you love that word? “Alien.” I just thought of a great Halloween costume. Anyway...)

How easily we forget...

President Obama mentioned the words, “Misguided Law.” Darn right it is. Sure we should stop illegal immigration. (By the way, forget about Bimbo Land and say goodbye to Consuelo raising your own children for $3.00 an hour while you spend all day putting up the façade and helping your psychiatrist hack up the bonus to fly to the Cayman Islands for vacation.) But every case is a DIFFERENT case, and this law will be a great fertilized shitty spread for racism, and some Narcissistic, & Anti-social Personality Disorders to thrive; or should I say bigotry, fear, and ignorance? So you assimilated, became acculturated, went through all the hoops and lovely welcoming smiles to become legal, yet, the truth is that some of your comrades just tolerate you. Pity!

I just hope the power trip doesn’t get over the top and they end up scarring some good folks for life.

Geeezzz… Enough of this “papo sinistro.” Friday is half way here, and while this wave doesn’t reach my shore, my @$$ is going to the beach. Just in case, I got the tattoo join lined up to brand everybody’s birth certificates on their backs. Yeah, right... Fala sério!


* Blue contact Lenses - $25.00
* Hair dye to bleach your hair - $7.99 on sale
* Private English classes so you can learn to sing the good ol' boy anthem, “Sweet Home Alabama.” - $75.00
* Getting your @$$ kicked by the police because your roots are showing – PRICELESS.


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