Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend!

Let’s remember the men and women who lost their lives protecting our country and preserving our freedom.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

COFFEE BREAK: Io che amo solo te - Sergio Endrigo

IO CHE AMO SOLO TE - Sergio Endrigo

C'è gente che ha avuto mille cose,
tutto il bene, tutto il male del mondo.
Io ho avuto solo te
e non ti perderò,
non ti lascerò
per cercare nuove avventure.

C'è gente che ama mille cose
e si perde per le strade del mondo.
Io che amo solo te,
io mi fermerò
e ti regalerò
quel che resta
della mia gioventù.

Io ho avuto solo te
e non ti perderò,
non ti lascerò
per cercare nuove illusioni.

C'e' gente che ama mille cose
e si perde per le strade del mondo.
Io che amo solo te,
io mi fermerò
e ti regalerò
quel che resta
della mia gioventù.

Para você mãe... Te amo!


COFFEE BREAK - Legião Urbana - Pais e filhos.

The good really die young...


COFFEE BREAK - The Rolling Stones - Waiting On A Friend.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Got Tan?

If you have black or brown hair, and been to the beach lately working on your tan, you may consider staying away from Arizona!

Racial profiling?

Could it be? Nahhhh… Republicans? Conservatives? Racists? Nahhh…. Imagine that… We are talking about well educated people here, very aware of their own heritage, right? But just in case (better safe than sorry), you might want to forget that dragon tattoo you’ve been saving money for, and consider branding your caboose with your Alien number. (Don't you love that word? “Alien.” I just thought of a great Halloween costume. Anyway...)

How easily we forget...

President Obama mentioned the words, “Misguided Law.” Darn right it is. Sure we should stop illegal immigration. (By the way, forget about Bimbo Land and say goodbye to Consuelo raising your own children for $3.00 an hour while you spend all day putting up the façade and helping your psychiatrist hack up the bonus to fly to the Cayman Islands for vacation.) But every case is a DIFFERENT case, and this law will be a great fertilized shitty spread for racism, and some Narcissistic, & Anti-social Personality Disorders to thrive; or should I say bigotry, fear, and ignorance? So you assimilated, became acculturated, went through all the hoops and lovely welcoming smiles to become legal, yet, the truth is that some of your comrades just tolerate you. Pity!

I just hope the power trip doesn’t get over the top and they end up scarring some good folks for life.

Geeezzz… Enough of this “papo sinistro.” Friday is half way here, and while this wave doesn’t reach my shore, my @$$ is going to the beach. Just in case, I got the tattoo join lined up to brand everybody’s birth certificates on their backs. Yeah, right... Fala sério!


* Blue contact Lenses - $25.00
* Hair dye to bleach your hair - $7.99 on sale
* Private English classes so you can learn to sing the good ol' boy anthem, “Sweet Home Alabama.” - $75.00
* Getting your @$$ kicked by the police because your roots are showing – PRICELESS.


Where did the years go?

Hello world,

Yesterday I attended my daughter’s 8th grade graduation. What a feeling! It’s so amazing to see these young children grown and develop into vigorous and aspiring young adults. I remember when my daughter and her friends used to run around the house happy as a lark, watching “Dexter’s Laboratory”, or “CatDog,” eating their hot dogs, trading their Yugioh Cards, and playing Super-Mario without a care in the world.

Today they are skyping with their friends, texting 24/7, hooked on XBox 360, worried about what clothes to wear, thinking they are in love (I just remembered the horse track TV commercial, “run baby, run!”), aware of the importance of GPA & SAT scores to get into a good college, aspiring MIT, Duke, and Harvard, taking honors and AP classes, feeling the pressure, and planning on getting their driver’s license permit. Wow!

As I saw them all dressed up in their suits, elaborate dresses, & high heels, receiving their awards, and making deep speeches concerning the future, I was incredibly proud and could feel a whole sense of accomplishment fill up the auditorium. What a memorable night it was! I was also thinking I needed to pay a visit to a dermatologist, find myself some serious hair stylist, and double check if Pitanguy still around. Where did the years go?



Tuesday, May 25, 2010

COFFEE BREAK - George Thorogood - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer.


Road Rage: Hackers Say 'No Latinos' on Highway Sign.

No comments. You can read it for yourself!


May 25th - It’s been 150 days without you!

It’s been five months without you mom... No more phone calls, no more pouring out my frustrations or celebrating good moments, getting advice, cracking up jokes, laughing, telling stories, and no more anticipating the moment of arrival to give you that big hug... I wonder if things would’ve been different if I never left, or if they had allowed you to come and see me. It’s all too late now, isn't it?… Forgive me for not being there, mom. I've been lost without you. There's no one to really talk to anymore, and I miss you deeply!
Eu amo você, mãe!
Tá difícil...


The love story of Ralph and Edna...

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital.

One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool. Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable.

When she went to tell Edna the news she said, 'Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness.

The bad news is, Ralph hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead.' Edna replied, 'He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon can I go home?



Monday, May 24, 2010

COFFEE BREAK: Led Zeppelin - Fool In The Rain


I think the world needs a real OD of love, and human contact…

Lay off the pills, lay off the drugs, and connect with one another… The lack of connection (shhh… and money) is the root of all evil… Ohhhh, come on! The money thing was a joke… Don’t give me that mug. Where’s your sense of humor?


BP Oil Spill: An environmental disaster in our backyard.

After 35 days, is BP making enough progress?

Tar washes up in Florida.

The blaming game.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

So… Do you want to learn English? Let’s start with the proper use of the word “FU@%.”

If you feel offended by the title of this post, now is the time to exit. By staying you are acknowledging that you are of adult legal age, wherever part of the world you may be. Wait... Let’s make it the planet. One can never know... In the land of “Sue Happy People," there’s no such thing as overly protecting yourself. .



COFFEE Break (again): Legião Urbana - Tempo Perdido


COFFEE BREAK: The Doors - People are freaking strange indeed...


It's Sunday... Saudade mata a gente!

It's Sunday! Way back in the day Sunday used to be an amazing day, a sort of family and friend's day. You knew that either you would be going to someone's house, or your house would be full of people. It was a day to have a special lunch, or a barbecue with your buddies, conversation, music, fresh flowers, or perhaps a major trip to the beach with the whole entourage, where half the kitchen would be packed in the trunk of the car… LOL! Yes, because there was no such thing as going home after two hours or so. It was a whole day affair. I miss those days...

Today I have the newest TV, a car where my kids can watch movies and plug their video games in case they run out of charge, a Coach purse (that you better believe I didn't pay full price for), the alleged opportunity to make loads of money (although I'm still broke), a set of amenities for my children (who have no idea what it means to actually play outside, and cannot conceive the thought of any fun that doesn't involve some kind of electronic device), and accomplished academic college degree on the wall. I think you got the examples and you know where I'm going with this. Yet, I'm constantly worried about money, there's no music playing, no family coming over (in fact I missed a great deal of their lives because I wasn't around, and today some of them are already DEAD - the word deceased doesn't do justice), less than a hand full of real friends, and no special lunch or barbecue going on today... But hey, I bought fresh flowers!

Do I dislike where I've been living for the past 20 years? Absolutely not. I love it! I love the efficiency, the power of purchase, the opportunities, the beach... It's not about that. It's not about hearing the infamous, "go back to your country" overrated line. I can care less about idiotic and ignorant people oblivious about the history of their "own country." It's about choices we make, it's about recognizing that we cannot have it all (unless you win the lottery), it's about weighing pros and cons and making decisions, it's about balance, it's about venting and expressing feelings (I haven't signed up for the psychiatry "Pill Popper Club" yet, so I have to deal with reality), it's about reminiscing over a time when things were so much simpler, when caring & loving & being myself was all I needed; when spontaneity, and genuine hugs were part of my day (note, I said genuine). It's about acceptance and sense of humor…

Ohhhh well... I better put a sock in it... I guess I had my fix for today. I believe I saved $150 in therapy fees.
It's Sunday and life is not so bad after all.



Saturday, May 22, 2010

Caipirinha - Brazilian National Drink

Close friends of mine are aware of the fact that when I begin suffering from human warmth depravation I pack my bags and go to Brazil. As good as I feel when I arrive in Rio and hang out with friends and family, enjoying amazing beaches, stuffing my face with bolinhos de bacalhau (cod fritters), and getting toasted on caipirinhas, the unanticipated time to leave is something that I have to deal with, and once I get home, it takes a little while to get that whole fever out of my body… Thanks to the internet, I can browse around for a couple of days, manage my descent, and ease into my routine… On that note, while cruising around, I stumbled on a Blog called “John in Brazil.” The post was about Buzios, and anything related to the Lakes Region is right up my alley. But what I thought was really funny was the way the blogger summarized the caipirinha, “Tasty, by deadly.” I think he nailed it… LOL! So here's the inspiration for this post: "How to make a Caipirinha." :) Don't be fool! It's sweet, but it'll knock you out...


Caipirinha Recipe
by Irohner

*Cachaca (You may substitute with aguardiente)
* Limes
* Superfine sugar
* Crushed ice
* A "lowball", "rocks" or "Old-Fashioned" glass
* A pestle (from a mortar and pestle, or something similar) for the muddling


* Cut the ends off of the lime and discard.

* Cut the lime in half lengthwise and cut out the white pith in the middle.

* Cut the lime in half, and cut one half of the lime into four wedges and place in the glass. If your lime is small, you will need to add more lime to the glass.

* Add one to three tablespoons of sugar. The amount of sugar depends on your personal taste as well as the size of the lime you are using.

* Use the pestle to "muddle" the limes and sugar together. Basically, you want to crush the limes so that they mix in well with the sugar. Be careful not to break the skin of the lime. When you've gotten all of the juice out of the lime, you're done.

* Pack crushed ice in the glass all the way to the top.

* Add cachaca all the way to the top of the glass. (It's really only about 2 oz.)

* Use a larger glass or bottom of a cocktail shaker and put it over the top of your drink. Pick up with two hands and shake very well for at least 15 seconds.

* Garnish with a wedge or slice of lime.

* Drink...and enjoy the best caipirinha!

PS: A Caipirinha made with vodka is called "Caipiroska." A Caipirinha made with white rum, such as 151, is called "Caipiríssima."

Drink responsibly.


Sergio Vieira de Mello - A heart-wrenching documentary from HBO entitled “SERGIO.”

Sergio Vieira de Mello, a Brazilian United Nation’s diplomat and well known humanitarian killed in the Canal Hotel Bombing in Iraq, along with 20 other members of his staff on August 19, 2003. Sergio was serving as the Secretary-General's Special Representative in Iraq. Here's a short preview of the 2009 heart-wrenching documentary from HBO entitled “SERGIO," well worth watching... This morning, I came across it again, and I thought I should should make a note...

Some people come into this world for amazing and extraordinary things…


Places to eat and hang out in Cabo Frio...

Hi guys... I found (achei) a list of restaurants, pubs, and hang out spots in Cabo Frio. There's nothing like the locals' opinions of the hottest spots to have a good time... Let me know your input, and I'll be sure to stop by next time... I'll start with "Cilada Drink's." I loved the name... It's right up my alley. It sounds like such a tease and an invitation to go... Lol!

Adega Amendoeira
Bar e Petiscos. Adega Portuguesa.
Av. do Contorno, 200 - Passagem - Cabo Frio - RJ

Amendoeira Restaurante e Bar
Carnes da Argentina.
Av. do Contorno 200 - Marlin - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-3086

Em Cabo Frio um novo conceito em restaurante: aconchegante, arejado e a comida maravilhosa.
Travessa Nações Unidas, 29 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ

Comidas típicas Portuguesas, Caldeirada, Picanha.
Pr. Porto Rocha, 31 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-3295

Bar Mané Paixão
Rua Almirante Barroso, 18 A
Passagem - Cabo Frio
CEP: 28900-000
Telefone: (22) 26473776

Batata e Algo Mais
Disk-batata - entregas em domicílio no Centro de Cabo Frio.
Batatas assadas com diversos recheios.
Crepes Salgados.
Crepes doces.
Av. Nilo Peçanha, 415 - Lj. B - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-0014

Av. Assunção, 893 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-5597

Beer Brasil Pub
Ref.: 32 Bar do DVD. Show gratuito em DVD à escolha.
Av. Nilo Peçanha, 500 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ

Bonifi Restaurante
Av. Teixeira e Souza, 141 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-2909

Bowling Point Bar e Boliche.
Funciona todos os dias a partir das 14 h.
Rua Raul Veiga, 188 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-2369

Branca Confeitaria e Restaurante
Cada vez mais Cabo Frio.
De quarta a domingo após às 18:00h temos Rodízio de Pizza e Massas Diversas.
Salão com ar refrigerado e elevador.
Doces, pães, tortas, lanches, salgados, sorvetes.
Self-service à quilo com Churrasco.
Praça Porto Rocha, 15 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefones: 22-2643-0084 e 22-2645-5885

Bueno Apetite
Frutos do Mar, Picanha, Massas e Pizzas. Tele-entrega (22) 2647-0000.
Av. Nilo Peçanha, 408 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-0000

Cabo Grill
Ambiente amplo. Self-service com churrasco.
Rua Raul Veiga, 554 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-3708

Cantina Di Cappri
Rua Francisco Mendes, 437 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-1274

Casa da Sopa
Ref.: 441 Canja, legumes, ervilha, canjiquinha mineira, caldo verde, mocotó, feijão amigo, caldinho de feijão, caldo de siri, sopa de peixe, caldeirada, creme de camarão.
Rua Francisco Mendes, 846 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-3185

Casa do Caldo
A verdadeira casa de caldo da região.
Questão de qualidade.
Grande variedade.
Música ao vivo nos fins de semana.
Rua Professor Miguel Couto, 261 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ

Chega Mais
Carne seca com aipim, frango a passarinho,
churrasquinho, peixe frito, bolinho de bacalhau,
camarão, lula.
Rua Expedicionário da Pátria, 431 - Lj. 02 - São Cristóvão - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-9983-0018

Choco's Bar
Cabo Frio com sabor de Chocolate.
Ambiente aconchegante e familiar.
Música ao vivo.
Muitos petiscos.
Rua Meira Junior, 162 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-4474

Chico's Restaurante
Av. Teixeira e Souza, 30 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-5754

Cilada Drink's
Drink's, batidas exóticas e bebidas em geral.
Música ao Vivo.
Rua Francisco Mendes, 450 - Lj. 13 - Shopping da Praia - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ

Codorna do Forte
A sua Codorna e Costelinha temperadíssimas.
Av. Nilo Peçanha, 538 - Loja 01 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-3766

Colher Gulosa
Self-service, comida Mineira a 150 m. da praia do Forte.
Rua dos Tamoios, 38 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-4916

Colonial Cabo Frio Restaurante
Rua Major Belegard, 624 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-2621

Colonial Cabo Frio Restaurante
Ref.: 258 Av. dos Pescadores, 06 - Boulevard Canal - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-4702

Do Zé
Ref.: 128 Trav. das Nações Unidas, s/n - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-4277

Dom Marcelo Restaurante e Pizzaria
Pizzas, Massas, Carnes, Frutos do Mar.
Sábado e Domingo aberto para almoço.
Rua Coronel Ferreira, 361 - Lj. 02 - Portinho - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-1943

Edi Bar
O melhor Point da noite no Canal.
Drinks, vinhos, cerveja bem gelada e uma variedade
de cigarros nacionais e importados.
Boulevard Canal, 600 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-7372

El Toro
Av. Assumpção, 334 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2646-4271
Empório São Benedito
Ref.: 121 Vencedor do Terceiro Festival de Frutos do Mar.
Rua Raul Veiga, 542 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-3708

Estação do Chopp
Música ao vivo, cardápio variado. Pizzas.Tele-entrega. Após as 18:00h.
Rua Porto Alegre, 44 - Jardim Excelsior - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-3176

Estação Roda D'agua
Restaurante, Pizzaria e Cachaçaria. Música ao vivo diariamente. Aberto para almoço.
Rua José R. Póvoas, 900 (Rua dos Biquines) - Gamboa - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-5700

Estarli's Bar
Tradicional Codorna na Brasa.
Rua Enfermeiro Ricardo Sanches, 222 - Braga - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2620-1523

Fórum Café
Rua Major Belegard, 532 - Lj. 13 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-9041

Culinária Oriental: Japonesa, Chinesa e Tailandesa.
Rua José Bonifácio, 28 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-2657

Galeto do Zé
Galeto, Picanha, Caldeirada e Moqueca.
boulevard Canal - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2644-1269

Jack Flash Burgers
Praça Porto Rocha, 31 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-4916

Av. dos Pescadores, 2009 - Peró - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-3648

A mistura perfeita do Verão.
Caipifruta, drinks, cerveja e muito mais...
Boulevard Canal - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ

La Gondole
Cozinha Francesa e Italiana.
Rua André da Costa Simas, 247 - Passagem - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-5264

Lanchonete Irmãos Oliveira Cabo Frio
Rua Jorge Lóssio, 741 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-5078

Louco Sabor
Disk-quentinha e Self-service.
Rua Jorge Lóssio, 516 - Lj. 03 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2646-4972

Mania de Pizza
Massas, picanha e peixes.
Rua do Moinho, 02 - Peró - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2644-3874

Mar e Luz Pousada e Restaurante
Rua Jorge Lóssio, 1435 - Vila Nova - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-4025

Mercearia e Bar V R S
Rua Bento José Ribeiro, 55 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-3966

Millenium Lanchonete e Restaurante
Almoço e Jantar.
Sanduiches diversos.
Av. América Central, 470 - Praia do Siqueira - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2648-2771

Panela de Pedra
Self-service, comida Mineira na panela de pedra, com churrasco, sorveteria e lanchonete.
Av. Francisco Mendes, 404 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-7128

Peró Grill
Variados tipos de saladas.
Delicioso churrasco à kilo.
Pratos quentes.
Shopping Peró, 02 - Lj. 02 - Peró - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-9908-1631

Pit Stop Bar e Restaurante
Ref.: 759 Rua Raul Veiga, 558 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2646-5348

Pizzaria Mamma Flora.
Rodízio de Pizzas e Tele-entrega.
Av. Assunção, 600. - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-2171

Pizzaria Toscana
Pizzas, massas, carnes.
Av. Vereador Manoel Antunes, 210 - Braga - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2644-3793

Pousada e Restaurante Comilão
Cada cliente, torna-se sobretudo, um novo amigo.
Pousada, restaurante e sorveteria.
Av. Antônio Ferreira dos Santos, 290 - Braga - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefones: 22-2645-1141 e 22-2644-9014

Pousada Porto Peró
Pousada e Restaurante.
Piscina, sauna, salão de jogos, sala de reuniões, restaurante, estacionamento interno.
Av. dos Pescadores, 2002 - Peró - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefones: 22-2644-5568 e 22-2644-5871

Raboni Restaurante e Lanchonete
Largo Santo Antônio, 39 - Lj. 13 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-9904-5413

Restaurante Picolino
Bom gosto não se discute, saboreia-se.
Av. Marechal Floriano, 319 - Boulevard Canal - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefones: 22-2647-6222 e 22-2643-2436

Trav. Lions Club, 01 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-1124

Salinas Grill
Saladas, pratos quentes, churrasco à quilo,
Ar condicionado.
Área de recreação infantil.
Rua Paulo Burle, 98 - Palmeiras - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2644-2657

Samurai Restaurante
Comida Oriental, Sushibar e Creperia.
Entrega a domicílio.
Shopping Cristal Palace, 100 - Boulevard Canal - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-5711

Sepol Lanches
Rua dos Cravos, 32 - Braga - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefones: 22-2644-0232 e 22-2647-5794

Terraço Pizzaria
Rua Expedicionários da Pátria, 431 - São Cristóvão - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefones: 22-2645-1903 e 22-2644-1934

Sorveteria e Bar Monteiro Machado
Av. Antônio Feliciano de Almeida, 143 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-3984

Tevejono Bar
Som, comida e birita.
Música ao vivo, cerveja gelada e muitos petiscos.
Av. Júlia Kubitschek, 5813 - Lj. 07 - Jardim Caiçara - Cabo Frio - RJ

Restaurante e Pizzaria.
O único ambiente country de Cabo Frio.
Música ao vivo de terça a domingo.
Almoço a La Carte.
Pizzaria, petiscaria.
Frutos do mar.
Av. Vereador Antônio Ferreira dos Santos, 202 - Braga - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2644-2299

Tia Maluca
O lugar mais gostoso, guardamos para você.
Picanha Maturada, Especialidades em Frutos do Mar,
Lagostas, Caldeirada e muito mais em um ambiente refrigerado.
Boulevard Canal, 109 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-4158

Toca do Mar
14 tipos de pizzas, frutos do mar, picanhas,
massas italianas, carnes e drinks exóticos.
Boulevard Canal, 100 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2648-0770

Tonto Bar, Restaurante e Pizzaria
Picanha na Pedra, Frutos do Mar.
Av. dos Pescadores, 140 - Lj. 01/02 - Boulevard Canal - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-1886

Trem Novo
A melhor Comida Mineira de Cabo Frio.
Av. Teixeira e Souza, 670 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-1265

Tropical Inverno Verão
Self-service à quilo a partir das 11 horas.
Venha conhecer o paladar caseiro de nossa comida que há 13 anos conquistou Cabo Frio.
Av. 13 de Novembro, 327 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2645-2376

Va Bene
Pizzas, Massas Italianas, Picanha e Galleto na brasa, Frutos do Mar, Chopp Alemão, Chopp Brahma.
Boulevard Canal - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2647-3585

Wind Lanchonete
Praça Porto Rocha, 37 - Centro - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2643-1142

Zatto Pub Bar
Self-service a partir das 11:00 h.
Música ao vivo após 21:00 h.
Rua Vereador Antônio F. dos Santos, 1245 - Braga - Cabo Frio - RJ
Telefone: 22-2646-5151

I’m sure that every spot has its own specialty, fun, and picturesque flare… After all it’s Cabo Frio we’re talking about here… :)

Cheers :)


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

COFFEE BREAK: Debaixo dos caracóis dos seus cabelos...


Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3rd :(

There was a time when May 3rd was a much anticipated day. I couldn’t wait for my birthday cake, friends, family, music, and hours of good old human warmth, and family fun. Today, as I sit here, all that I can do is cry… I never felt so alone. Happy Birthday to me! I miss you mom :(

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